Thursday 13 May 2010

there's no place like home

Awfully sorry for the emotional soft-rock that tarnished my last blog.
^(ahem, my chemical romance)

Needless to say, i'm feeling far cherpier these days and this is mostly due to the imminent resolution of the good ole' housing dilemma: Dad found a house!

It's in Northwichland, which after 17 years of living in Weaverham is beginning to seem ever more like the Emerald City. It's completely unlike the crack-den i had envisaged and i'm hoping there'll be a good future for me there with my brother/father. It'll hardly be turning any visitors green with envy...but it's enough.

"your crib is dead lush..."

Things are seeming to be a lot more optimistic now, and i'm terribly excited about what the future has to offer, even if that is exams. I can do anything.

Reasons to be happy:
o I now have a home.
o Summer is fast approaching.
o I feel like a metapod on the verge of being butterfree.

gotta love old school pokemon. (L)

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