Friday 28 May 2010


I was walking through the deserted, derelict streets of Northwich this evening and a realisation hit me:

Don't you find it funny how there's some crazy statistic that states 80% of people who marry went to school together? How you could walk the same cobbled streets or shop at the same corner shop as the person you could potentially love with forever in bliss?

We all spend so much time obsessing and searching for something, reaching out...when really all it might take for us to find what we're looking would be to stand still long enough to see the world around us.

I'll search within myself, so that when this person finds me i'll be ready.

i will hold on hope, and i won't let you choke on the noose around your neck

Thursday 13 May 2010

there's no place like home

Awfully sorry for the emotional soft-rock that tarnished my last blog.
^(ahem, my chemical romance)

Needless to say, i'm feeling far cherpier these days and this is mostly due to the imminent resolution of the good ole' housing dilemma: Dad found a house!

It's in Northwichland, which after 17 years of living in Weaverham is beginning to seem ever more like the Emerald City. It's completely unlike the crack-den i had envisaged and i'm hoping there'll be a good future for me there with my brother/father. It'll hardly be turning any visitors green with envy...but it's enough.

"your crib is dead lush..."

Things are seeming to be a lot more optimistic now, and i'm terribly excited about what the future has to offer, even if that is exams. I can do anything.

Reasons to be happy:
o I now have a home.
o Summer is fast approaching.
o I feel like a metapod on the verge of being butterfree.

gotta love old school pokemon. (L)

Monday 10 May 2010


i'm at home. staying dry.

Sunday 9 May 2010

Brain isn't active

I feel a storm approaching, the thunderous dark clouds shrouding the landscape of my happier moods. It comes and goes so easily like a flash of lightning that sometimes if you blink you might just miss it. Something is coming, something monumental and i know that i am powerless to stop it, as in the grand scheme of things i am not in control now, nor have i ever been.

Waiting. Tick tock.

Scary to think that a facebook message can make or break you, that the little 'number one' emblazoned in a flood of red could be your potential undoing. Maybe it's my own fault for revealing my secrets too easily to the world, or maybe because the world already knew them.

I am an open book.
Waiting for somebody else to decide the plot.
As much as i would opt for a trashy romance, life is never that simple.

all i can do is brace myself for the coming rains, and hope that i remembered my umbrella.

Sunday 2 May 2010

oh snap

Peroxide can be a fickle mistress.

I have had raven black hair since the 29th August 2009, though i am a natural brunnette. I think it may have been escapism, or not wanting to be me anymore but i tried to suppress myself with my hair colour, distancing myself away from people.
But yesterday something clicked. I finally decided to change, and move away from the hair-dye-stained comfort blanket i'd become so accustomed to. Plus, it made me look like a china doll, and i am NO Sophie Ellis Bextor...

you sexy little pop star.

So, 5 sachets of bleach/hairdye and 24 hours later, i can safely announce that i now have a brown 'do with a redish raddish tint. Somebody's head-garden should be an extension of the person within, and in all honesty i can say that i am not an emotional blackhole, so i should stop poisoning my hair to look like i am one!

1. Stop being such an emo bigtick:)

(the work in progress)

o 5 boxes of bleach + hairdye: [£30.16]
o 2 creme eggs: [£0.46]
o my mini epiphany: [totally free <3]